
Seminar for Exam Preparation

Presentation in Exam


You should aim try to Impress and thus excel that is where: 

I stands for Instructions 
M stands for Manage Time 
P stands for Presentation 
R stands for Relevance 
E stands for Easy Marks
S stands for Survival 
S stands for Success 

Arrive at the right place at the right time. 
Read instructions carefully; how many questions are to be attempted; how long do you have? 
Read the requirements for each question carefully; underline key words; look for the verb in the requirement – more on this under intellectual levels shortly. 

Allocate the correct time to each question and requirement. Attempt all parts of the question. Stick to the time allocation. Look at how many marks are available for each question. 
All 3 hour papers now have an additional 15 mins Reading and Planning Time. 

During this time, students may only write or make notes on the question paper. 

To use this additional 15 minutes most effectively: 
carefully read and understand all question requirements, making an informed choice about which optional questions to attempt where applicable 
read through and highlight relevant information and financial data, noting why it is included 
take note of the marks awarded for each question and the allocation of marks between different requirements within a question 
start to plan your answers, particularly for discursive questions 
think about the order in which to attempt questions 
make preliminary calculations. 

Plan your answer. 
Format and layout is important. The answer should be properly structured with headings, sentences, paragraphs and bullets. 

Students tend to spot question and not give a relevant answer. It is vitally important that the question asked is answered rather that what you know. If the question asks about outlining the effectiveness of internal controls of an organisation, students should not write what they know about internal controls but should use the information in the question to appropriately answer the question. Read the requirement at least twice Don’t just write down everything you know about a topic Don’t forget Professional Marks where available. 

Go for easy marks first. Look at what marks are available for each question/part of question. Have a plan to attempt the paper. There are students who prefer numerical questions and then there are students who prefer discursive questions. Whatever your plan is, do complete the paper. All the questions should be attempted. 

Don’t Panic !!! 
Keep going …. Move on 

Revision – be prepared for the exams. Question practice and mock exams – don’t let the real exam be the first exam! 

Courtesy to acca learning site:::: 

Anxiety Workshop

How to Relax Before Final Exams

Good Study Habits for Exams


Memory techniques / Concentration

Time Management for Exams

Top 20 Mistakes Students Commit When Attempting

Revision timetable


Week Day During



If you've got time left at the end, try remembering the mnemonic: ACUTE.

Assumptions (have you explained them all, even when not explicity asked.)
Calculations (have you checked them all - doing things different ways if possible and time permits.  Did you press those calculator buttons right?  Do the answers to different parts of the question agree?  Check, and check again.)
Units (have you written the units you're using?  Do the units for all formulas make sense and agree - this is a very powerful technique for checking that your derivations are right and you're using the right formula.)
Truth (have you done all the parts of all the sections in the questions?  If asked to make a list and explain why, don't just make a list.  This is probably the biggest cause of unnecessary lost marks - read the question and answer the question, the whole question, and nothing but the question.  Just like the truth in a court of law.)
Explanations (have I explained what I'm doing at all stages - good explanations will get marks for method even if the answer is wrong; miss out the explanation and you're throwing away easy method marks.)

I have never left an exam early in my life.

Good Luck

Revision Tips

Common traits in all the top-performing colleges

1.     strict rules of attendance, 
2.     everyday remedial classes and 
3.     regular class tests.

Extra Activities

Nowadays, the rank holders are not geeks immersed in studies. Almost all of them are involved in activities of 
1.     Sports, 
2.     NSS and NCC. 
These are students who know to plan their day and life.

Mentor System
1.     System of mentoring wherein one faculty member is allotted for one student and he/she keeps a track of his academic activities, counselling him whenever needed.
2.     “The mentor also talks to the student’s family and makes sure he knows about his problems so that they can be addressed the right way,” 

